About Us

The Fraser Valley Potters Guild is a non-profit association which was formed in 1975 by a group of alumni of the Surrey Campus Ceramics Department of Douglas College who wished to continue the camaraderie and opportunities for professional growth and development that had started in classes at the college.  Our Guild moved to the present location at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey Campus, in the late 80’s and today we have over 100 members, from Yarrow to Richmond. Our members include a range of pottery enthusiasts, ceramics and art teachers, professional ceramicists, students, and hobby potters who show their work nationally and internationally and include their work in public art commissions, community projects, and one-person shows.

Board of Directors

Cheryl Stapleton

Carolyn MacLaren
Vice President

Giovanna Cameron

Carolyn MacLaren

Linda Ward
Director at Large

Robin Jenkins

Director at Large

Laura Giesbrecht
