Fraser Valley Potters Guild celebrated another successful wood firing June 15, 2022 at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts. We finished the day with a potluck featuring handmade pizza cooked to perfection in the on-site pizza oven.
Soda Firing December 2020
Fraser Valley Potters Guild participated in a successful Soda Firing at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts in December 2020. Thank you to Cheryl Stapleton and Linda Doherty for their work to make the experience COVID safe and thanks to the team who scraped and restored the kiln shelves after the firing!
Cheryl Stapleton spraying soda, December, 2020
We are in the Janzen Art Centre's 6th Annual Cup Show!
We are pleased to announce that there are a few FVPG members who have had their cups accepted into the Janzen Art Centre's 6th Annual Cup Show! The show runs from June 7th to August 31, 2018 so take a trip stateside to Lynden, Washington to check out the awesome display of cups from 44 artists from Canada and the USA. For more information, click here.
Red Deer College Summer Arts School 2018
Don’t miss Series 2018 – Summer Arts School. This July we’re offering courses in ceramics, clay and pottery with instructors Vince Pitelka teaching Handbuilding: Tricks of The Trade, Decadent Decoration with Faro Sullivan, Ceramics: Patterns Color and Form with Sean O’Connell, Sculptural Ceramics in Situ taught by Debra Sloan, Slabs, Naturally! taught by Sandra Dolph, Thrown and Altered Sculptured Forms with Gale Woodhouse, Making it Work: Clay Boot Camp taught by Joanna Lange, Handbuilding with Lino Carved Stamps taught by Connie Pike or Basic Clay Animal Sculptures with Will Truchon. All skill levels are offered.
As well there are courses in painting, drawing, glass, calligraphy, writing, sculpture, jewelry & metals, fibre arts & woodworking and antler carving .
Be a part of the Series community this summer.
For further information call 403-356-4900 or
Uptown White Rock - 15140 North Bluff Road (Central Plaza) - August 2019 and July 2020
Join us for our annual Pop Up with Semiahmoo Potters for the whole month of August 2019 in White Rock at our *new* location at Central Plaza in White Rock.