Fraser Valley Potters Guild Upcoming Events and News
Established in 1975, FVPG membership is open to and encouraged for all levels of potters including hobbyists, students, professional potters, and ceramic instructors. To view our work, please see here.
The Fraser Valley Potters Guild (FVPG) meets the second Thursday of each month, September through May.
Our next meeting will be March 13, 2025 and will take place IN PERSON and on ZOOM.
Annual memberships are due on September 1, 2024. Membership renewal has moved online! Please click here to renew your 2024/25 membership
Effective December 1, 2020 our FVPG newsletter and distributed information is sent only to paid up FVPG members, honourary members, and organizational members. If you want to stay in the know, please see #2 above.
Members work ranges and includes
Functional Pottery
Tile work
Firing techniques include low fire oxidation, raku, smoke/pit firing, salt, wood, and soda as well as high fire reduction.
Current membership includes potters from the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island.
The potters guild hosts several exciting member events throughout the year including:
Regular meetings with presentations
Skill development workshops with professional potters
Guest lectures
Community outreach events
An annual juried show
Gallery shows
Soda and wood firing
Raku events at which members fire their own work.
Members are welcome to participate in as many of these events as they like.